" As stated on Leeds' website at, and keeping true to his unbiased commitment, none of the penny stocks Leeds and his penny stocks team analyse and profile have paid a fee or compensated them in any fashion. In addition, the Peter Leeds penny stocks team will be running a booth at the show, where investors interested in penny stocks can learn more about how to avoid the pitfalls in penny stocks, and find the truly fundamentally solid penny stocks from among the thousands of low-priced companies. There is no cost to attend his speech. Goldgroup Mining is a public stock on the TSX Venture exchange, trading under the symbol GGA. . "When it comes to penny stocks, getting visibility for your company among investors is the name of the game, and this panel at the World MoneyShow will be a great channel to accomplish that. Leeds has been interviewed by top media from Moscow to Manhattan, and is a widely followed public speaker on the topic of penny stocks. Peter Leeds, author of "Invest in Penny Stocks" and publisher of the Peter Leeds penny stocks newsletter, has filled the third and final spot on his "Tomorrow's Winners Today" penny stocks panel, which will take place this Tuesday at the World Money Show in Vancouver. "Ideally, they will also watch the penny stocks panel I will be running, and getting involved asking questions and meeting the key players. Registration and attendance at the convention is free, and all levels of investors are encouraged to be involved. "I'm glad to have finalized thepenny stocks panel, and grateful to have companies like Victoria Gold, Passport Potash, and Goldgroup Mining to be involved," stated Leeds. Peter Leeds, author of "Invest in Penny Stocks" [John Wiley & Sons], and creator of the famous Peter Leeds Penny Stocks newsletter, has announced that Goldgroup Mining will be filling the third and final spot on his "Tomorrow's Winners Today" penny stocks panel. Leeds will also be speaking about penny stocks immediately before the panel, in a discussion entitled "Invest in Penny Stocks," of the same name of his highly popular book. Goldgroup Mining will be joining Victoria Gold and Passport Potash to present information about their companies, and answer questions from the attendees. About Peter Leeds: Along with his penny stocks team, they publish the Peter Leeds PennyStocks newsletter, known worldwide, with subscribers from six continents." The World MoneyShow will take place in Vancouver, Canada from March 27th to 29th, bringing together investors, public companies, stock market services, and publications together all under one roof. "I encourage investors interested in penny stocks to stop by our booth, and attend my brief talk," mentions Leeds.